
A pre/post processing toolbox for the VIC model

Primary LanguagePython


A pre/post processing toolbox for the VIC model

Truely a work in progress...

This is a library of python scripts to go along with the pre/post processing of VIC model forcings/parameters/outputs.

Right now this is just a collection of a few scripts but as the toolbox grows, a more formal structure may be put together.

Most of the tools contained here are run from the command line and use a combination of command line arguments and configuration files. For tool specific usage try raising the help flag, -h (e.g. vic2netcdf.py -h).


This tool converts binary or ASCII VIC output to a netCDF format. Options and settings are input via configuration file (e.g. VIC2nc_example.cfg).

Usage: vic2netcdf.py some_config_file.cfg


This tool converts netCDF meteorological forcings to VIC binary or ASCII format. Options and settings are input via configuration file (e.g. example_netcdf2vic.cfg).

Usage: netcdf2vic.py some_config_file.cfg


This tool grids VIC soil, snow, and vegetation parameter files and stores them in a single netCDF file. This allows for easy viewing of parameters using tools like ncview. This tool take a list of command line arguments:

Usage: For soil only: grid_params.py --soil_file=global_soil_param_new -o outfile.nc

For soil and veg: grid_params.py -s global_soil_param_new -o outfile.nc -v global_lai_0.25deg.txt

Questions? Sure, Joe Hamman - jhamman at hydro.washington.edu