
A Prototype-powered hexadecimal color picker.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Gold Digger Color Picker

(c) 2010 Travis Dent tcdent@gmail.com


GoldDigger.attach(element[, options]);


Include the JavaScript and CSS along with Prototype and Scriptaculous. Initialize like so:

document.observe('dom:loaded', function(){

Element selectors are pretty flexible:

// Single element by id:

// Multiple elements by id:
GoldDigger.attach('#color1, #color2, #color3');
GoldDigger.attach(['color1', 'color2', 'color3']);

// Multiple elements by class:

// Multiple elements by type:

Configuration Options

auto_update: boolean, defaults to true. When false, element value will only be updated when OK button has been clicked.
offset_top: integer, defaults to 0. Distance in pixels to position the modal from the top of the element.
offset_left: integer, defaults to 10. Distance in pixels to position the modal from the right of the element.


  • Saturation/value selector accuracy.
  • Switch to event-based updating.
  • De-activate hex field observer while dragging.
  • Update hue when slider is clicked, but not dragged.
  • Sense right edge of window and reposition accordingly.
  • Internet Explorer compatibility.