
Icarus: API auto-deployment with serverless framework

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Codename Icarus, APIGateway auto-deployment


  • Set up an IAM user for serverless with the appropriate credentials: https://serverless.com/framework/docs/providers/aws/guide/credentials/ (you may want to back down some of the so very high credentials in that account)
  • Set up your aws-cli, I recommend setting it up with a profile specifically for serverless.
  • aws configure --profile icarus-serverless


yarn install
yarn test
npm install -g serverless

Deploy a serverless stack

serverless deploy

Deploy a partial function

serverless deploy function -f query

Invoke a function

serverless invoke -f query -l

Additional info

Setting up a graphql api: https://serverless.com/blog/make-serverless-graphql-api-using-lambda-dynamodb/