
Brightness Adjust on a Linux System

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Command line utility to control the backlight in a linux system. This is an experimental script that I have designed for my system. It may or may not work on yours, use at your OWN RISK!

22:28:00 tchaudhry@QE14 brightr ./brightr -h
   brighr - CLI Wrapper to change screen brightness values. This is an experimental tool. Please use at your own risk!

   brightr [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]

   backlights  show eligible backglights
   up, u       Increase brightness
   down, d     Decrease brightness
   help, h     Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --device value, -d value  Specify the device to operate on. Default: First Device
   --amount value, -a value  Specify the amount to increase or decrease. Default: 10 (default: 10)
   --help, -h                show help (default: false)