Adaptive and Recursive Period Control for communication efficient distributed SGD based optimization

How to run this code

To run this project, it is necessary to install the OpenMPI packages and the packages in requirement.txt in a custom environment. We recommend creating the environment inside the project folder. e.g., AdaptiveRPC/env

Setting up your local MPI cluster will also be necessary to run the code over multiple machines. We followed the tutorial at the following link to install OpenMPI and configure our local cluster:

Once done, the strategy and other configurations can be adjusted in the utils/ file.

Simulate multiple workers on a single machine

The following command will simulate 5 machines(1 PS and 4 workers).

mpirun -np 5  PATH/AdaptiveRPC/env/bin/python PATH/AdaptiveRPC/

PATH must be replaced with the absolute path to the project.

Run with multiple machines

Let's say we have 5 machines respectively named: host0,host1,host2,host3,host4, sharing the folder PATH/sharedfolder/ . The project must be moved inside the shared folder, and the training can be executed as follows:

mpirun -np 5 --host host0,host1,host2,host3,host4 PATH/sharedfolder/AdaptiveRPC/env/bin/python PATH/sharedfolder/AdaptiveRPC/

Visualize logs with tensorboard

tensorboard --logdir PATH/sharedfolder/AdaptiveRPC/logs/