
Simple chat using websockets.

Primary LanguageHaskellMIT LicenseMIT


Simple webchat. Written in Elm and Haskell. Uses websockets.


In /frontend:

npm install chokidar-cli --save-dev
elm-package install

In /backend:

stack install
stack build


Start a file watch server:

npm run watch

Copy static files to the output directory:

cp assets/* out/frontend

Run elm-reactor in out to be able to use it as a server:


And now you can visit http://localhost:8000/frontend/main.html

Run backend:

# assuming you have ~/.local/bin in your $PATH:


Configure Nginx (or whatever) to serve frontend statically.

Run server in background process.

Generate Elm docs

Download Elm docs

pip3 install --upgrade pip setuptools
brew install libmagic
pip3 install elm-doc

Generate Elm docs

elm-doc . --output docs

Use (for example spark as a server for static files)

go get github.com/rif/spark

Now you can visit and see the docs.


What is elm-package.json for?

Dependencies of Elm project.

What is package.json for?

Chokidar is used to watch files and retranspile Elm every time some of its file changes.