
JavaScript Applications Course Repository

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


JavaScript Applications Course Repository

The JavaScript Applications course introduces first steps for build web front-end application, using a back-end server (Node.js/Business clouds/etc...). The topics covered include HTTP, AJAX (both native and with frameworks), asynchronous paradigms using callbacks and promises and more...

All homeworks for the course are test-driven, i.e. each task has a predefined set of unit tests. Here you can find information how to setup your machine for local testing

Course Program

1. Course Introduction

  • Examination
  • Trainers
  • Course program
  • Tools needed for the course
    • Code Editors: Sublime text/Atom.io/Visual Studio Code/Web Storm
    • Platforms: Node.js and JavaScript IO
    • Servers: Microsoft IIS, WAMP, MAMP, XAMPP

2. Best practices for writing JavaScript

  • Naming in JavaScript
  • Global scope
  • What is the value of this?
  • Function and "block" scopes
    • var and let
  • use strict
  • JavaScript Execution

3. AMD and SystemJS

  • Creating modules with SystemJS
  • Loading modules
  • Creating dependencies
  • Supported types of modules

4. Underscore.js/Lodash overview

  • Collections and Array extensions:
    • _.map(), _.each(), _.pluck(), _.sortBy(), _.groupBy(), _.first(), _.last() etc...
  • Function extensions:
    • _.memoize(), _.compose()
  • Object extensions:
    • _.keys(obj), _.values(obj), _.extend(obj, props)
  • Utility functions:
    • _.times(count, callback), _.mixin(obj)
  • Templates
  • Chaining

5. Web Storages

  • localStorage
  • sessionStorage
  • cookies
  • Polyfills for localStorage and sessionStorage

6. Promises and asynchronous programming

  • Async programming
  • Callbacks
  • Promises
    • Native with polyfill
    • Using a library: Bluebird, RSVP, Q
  • Async operations with ES 2015 function generators

7. HTTP and AJAX

  • What is HTTP?
  • Request-response model
  • HTTP Methods
  • HTTP request:
    • Headers
    • Body
    • Methods
  • HTTP response
    • Headers
    • Body
  • AJAX
    • AJAX principle
    • Performing AJAX
    • Types of data
      • HTML, XML/RSS, plain text, JSON

7. Consuming web services and AJAX

  • Creating HTTP requests using:
    • Native JavaScript
    • jQuery.ajax
  • Build UI based on received data from a web service

8. Business clouds for persistent data

9. Unit testing with Mocha & Chai

10. App architecture workshop

  • Creating a complete web app with:
    • Backend data from business cloud
    • AJAX
    • Handlebars.js, System.js, jQuery
    • Using promises

11. Exam preparation

12. Teamwork Defense

13. Exam

Preparing the local machine for Unit testing with Mocha and Chai

  • Install JavaScript I/O
    • Try if it is working by typing in CMD/Terminal $ iojs -v (should produce result)
  • Open CMD/Terminal and run $ npm install -g mocha

Preparing for the tests for each homework

  • Checkout the repository for the particular homework
  • Open CMD/Terminal and navigate to the checked out repository with the homework
  • Run npm install in CMD/Terminal
    • A folder node_modules should appear
  • You are ready to run the tests

Running the tests

  • Navigate to the folder of the particular homework in CMD/Terminal
  • Requirements:
    • JavaScript files must be called task-1.js, task-2.js etc..
    • Each .js file must contain module.exports=[name of the object/function]
  • Run npm test
    • Test results should appear on the CMD/Terminal

Upload in BGCoder.com

  • Go to the specific homework

  • Select the task you will be sending

  • Wrap your result in:

    function solve() {
        return [your solution object/function];