Troy's Next / TS Template

The original create-next-app documentation is included as See the Next.js documentation to learn more about next.

See the typescript handbook for information about typescript.


  1. clone the repo
  2. yarn to install packages
  3. edit the meta properties
    • name, version, description, author, and deploy command in package.json
    • title and meta description in src/components/meta/Head.tsx
    • change the favicon in the public

Running Locally

There are 2 ways to run the app locally:

  • yarn dev
  • yarn build:serve

dev uses a development next.js dev configuration. This is what should be used for regular development (defaults to port 3000).

build:serve runs the build command to create a production build of the app, then serves that build via a local server (defaults to port 3003). This should be used for things like lighthouse score, etc. You can modify the port used by modifying the value after the -p flag for the build:serve command in package.json.


Most of the things that could be covered here are probably covered by the next docs (linked above), but there are a few configuration things worth touching on:

  1. This template uses Mantine as a base component library. See their documentation for available props, theme configuration, etc.
  2. For additional styling / customization emotion/react and emotion/styled are included. See the emotion/styled documentation for on its usage.
  3. For testing, this template inculdes jest and react-testing-library. Your test files should follow the Component.test.tsx naming pattern, which will allow jest to find them automatically. Use yarn test to run your tests.


Storybook is setup to be fairly plug-and-play assuming you know Storybook already. If not, head to their site to get the lowdown. Stories should be added to the stories directory and have filenames with the following pattern: componentName.stories.tsx or componentName.stories.mdx (I recommend installing an mdx editor addon if you plan on using mdx, which you can read more about here). Whether you use tsx or mdx for your stories, you can use doc-blocs to enhance those stories. The storybook addon-docs comes included with this template.

If the above rules are followed, Storybook should find the files automatically.


Before deploying, run yarn build to make a production build of your app, then follow the Next.js deployment documentation to deploy on Vercel.


  1. Investigate custom deploy command to automate more of the deployment process