This repo is a template to program stuff to be displayed on my 32x32 LED Matrix table, and controller by my 4 SNES controllers, in C++.
- Keep the "setup" function as it is. It will run once, at the start of the code, and set hardware stuff up.
- The "loop" function is an infinite loop, running the code. Use it as a "main", and call functions or anything else in it.
- Keep the "checkAllButtons()" at the start of the loop. It will gather all player inputs, and fill the playerButtonPushed[NUMBER_PLAYERS][12] with the it. It is filled as follows, with 0/1 for each button: UP - RIGHT - DOWN - LEFT - START - SELECT - A - B - X - Y - L - R. Hence, playerButtonPushed[0][1] means player 0 has pushed button RIGHT.
- Fill the 32x32 global variable "LEDMatrix" as you wish, with "Black", "White", "Blue", "Red", "Green" and "Purple", which are global colour variables (it's actually simply 0-5 numbers)
- Keep the "clearLEDMatrix()" at the start of the loop, which clears "LEDMatrix" completly, then fill it with any logic in the middle of the loop, and then use outputDisplay() at the end of it, which will take your "LEDMatrix" and plot it on the table through a dedicated mapping.
If needed, you can also use digitalOutputDisplay() to plot the LEDMatrix in the Arduino "Moniteur Série".
To build sprites or have an idea of how things will look like on the table, you can use the xlsx file included in the repo, or use the following: