
My solutions to the programming puzzles proposed by https://adventofcode.com/2018/

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

My solutions for the Advent of Code 2018

Hi, welcome to the solutions I have writter for 2018's advent days. Since I am doing all this light heartedly (and so I may come across problems I do not usually see in my routine).

Proceed with caution, since most code written will:

  1. Be of questionable elegance;
  2. Usually perform poorly at scale (O(n**2), etc);

As you can see, my sole focus right now is to get the right answers ;p. (and also share this so people can have access to it :))

That being said, there is some documentation that might be useful.

Documentation that might be useful if you decide to use this repo or read it

CLI helper

From this project's root run:

  • ./bin/run DAY_NUMBER => Runs code to solve the day's puzzle
  • ./bin/test DAY_NUMBER => Runs tests related to the day's puzzle
  • ./bin/createday DAY_NUMBER => Creates a new day from ./template

About the puzzles

  • There is a template folder inside this project's root path. You can copy it to create a new day. Example: cp -r template/ days/08;
  • Every template contains:
    • code.rb => File where you insert the code to solve the puzzle
    • test.rb => File in which you can test your code. The exercises usually have an example, which can be used;
    • test-input.txt => Data input for tests;
    • input.txt => Input for the puzzle;
    • your_module_or_class.rb => Ideally you should encapsulate your code in a module or class, so you can easily switch between solving the puzzle and testing with example data;
  • The recomended Ruby version is 2.5.3. I did not test it in other versions. It usually should be OK on version 2.x.x, but it might not;
  • Still about Ruby version, if you use RVM there are the .ruby-version and .ruby-gemset files to assist you :D;
  • I am avoiding dependencies, so I decided to create a simple test method;
  • This repo tooling will probably evolve as days go by, so older days tend to be less structured;

Things I plan to do eventually:

  • Brief overview for each day;
  • Review this text, the English here is passable, at best;