
keytech per Web. Keine Installation, leichter Zugang zu keytech Daten.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This is keytech Plm-Web. Plm Web a web-UI for accessing the keytech api. keytech is one of the major german plm/dms software developer.

This repository is not maintained or supported by keytech in any way.

Production Site can be visited under: plmweb.de.

To learn about Ruby and rails visit: ruby-lang.org.

Full source code on GitHub: keytech_web

What can you do?

With keytech PLM-Web you can create, edit and search nearly all aspects of keytech data provided by the keytech web-api. ideal for devs, Dev-Ops or Admins. Just install locally or on a server and have access to all keytech data without any installation of a client. Any user can create a local account and login to a keytech database just easy as login to any other web-service.

Local installation

If you still have not develop in Ruby on Rails - install Ruby and Rails first: On macOS the best way is to use RVM: Install RVM with default Ruby and Rails in one Command:

$: curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --rails

You may experience errors on install ('binary not found'). In this case open a new Terminal so make the newly installed RVM active and install ruby with: $: rvm install

Install Postgres Database Use Postgres App from Postgres Server: postgresapp.com Init Database and start Server

Install redis caching Service You need Redis to send deferred emails Use Homebrew to install: $: brew install redis

Start the service: $: brew services start redis

Start the JobQueue: $: QUEUE=* rake resque:work

Export the redis local environment: $: export REDISTOGO_URL=localhost:6379

The .env file

All environments may be inserted to the .env file.

For the environment you can create a .env file in the main directory and copy the line: 'export REDISTOGO_URL=localhost:6379' into it.

For more information check the .env_demo file and rename it to .env

Database Setup

You need to create local test and development databases:

$:rails db:setup

Install GEM Files

$: bundle install

You may have problems with the 'pg' gem. in this case try manually this: $: gem install 'pg' -- --with_pg_config=/Applications/Postgres.app/Contents/Versions/latest/bin/pg_config

Install jobs / scheduler

On OSX install redis-server Its needed for Jobs as well as for caching

$: brew install redis

You might want to start redis before running local

Start development environment

You now have Ruby, Rails Gemfiles, and redis server. Databases are created. Just seed development Database with initial data:

$: rails db:seed

To get a full list of tasks available in Rails and what db tasks you have simply ask rails:

$: rails --tasks

Start the server

  1. start the redis-server
  2. start a batch job queue
  3. start rails server

$: redis-server $: QUEUE=* rake environment resque:work

Start locally

$: rails s

=> Booting Puma

=> Rails 5.2.4 application starting in development

=> Run `rails server -h` for more startup options

Puma starting in single mode...

* Version 3.12.2 (ruby 2.5.1-p57), codename: Love Song

* Min threads: 5, max threads: 5

* Environment: development

* Listening on tcp://

Use Ctrl-C to stop

Open your browser at: http://localhost:3000

Write tests and running $: rails test

Start / Update in Productive-Configuration

Upload to heroku

  1. $: Heroku login

  2. Setup Database on heroku

    $: heroku run rake db:schema:load -a $: heroku run rake db:seed -a

Migrate Database: On every update don't forget a

Development: $: heroku run rake db:migrate -a

to set database to latest state.

In Procfile there is a line 'release: bundle exec rake db:migrate' that should do the DB:Migration task automatically on deployment.