WHAT IS THIS ? ============== This is the source distribution of the Tcl thread extension. You can use this extension to gain script-level access to Tcl threading capabilities. The extension can be used with Tcl cores starting from Tcl8.7 and later. Also, this extension supports, i.e. can be used as a loadable module of, AOLserver 4.x series of the highly-scalable web server from America Online. This extension is a freely available open source package. You can do virtually anything you like with it, such as modifying it, redistributing it, and selling it either in whole or in part. See the "license.terms" file in the top-level distribution directory for complete information. HOW TO COMPILE ? ================ Only Unix-like and Windows platforms are supported at the moment. Depending on your platform (Unix-like or Windows) go to the appropriate directory (unix or win) and start with the README file. Macintosh platform is supported with the Mac OS X only. The Mac OS 9 (and previous) are not supported. WHERE IS THE DOCUMENTATION ? ============================ Documentation in Unix man and standard HTML format is available in the doc/man and doc/html directories respectively. Currently, documentation is in reference-style only. The tutorial-style documentation will be provided with future releases of the extension. That is, if I ever get time to do that. Everybody is more than welcome to jump in and help with the docs. HOW TO GET SUPPORT ? ==================== The extension is maintained, enhanced, and distributed freely by the Tcl community. The home for sources and bug/patch database is on fossil: https://core.tcl-lang.org/thread Alternatively, you are always welcome to post your questions, problems and/or suggestions relating the extension (or any other Tcl issue) to news:comp.lang.tcl newsgroup. -EOF-