
Professional Open Source Java Project Management Library

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


Professional Open Source Java Library


collections - ResourceBundleMerger

Tool/Class to merge .properties Files

ResourceBundleMerger rbm = new ResourceBundleMerger.Builder().input(new String[]{"fileOne", "fileTwo"}).build();

date - DateTool

Extended functions to work with dates

Date dateS = DateTool.date(2010, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2);
Date dateE = DateTool.date(2010, 1, 5, 3, 45, 22);
Iterator<Date> dayIterator = DateTool.iterate(dateS, dateE);
Date day1 = dayIterator.next();

date - Range

tools to work with date ranges. Calculate overlapping and so on.

Range<Integer> rightOpenRange = new Range<Integer>(0, null);
boolean isTrue = rightOpenRange.overlaps(new Range<Integer>(2, 3));

io - FileTool

Simplify working with files

File result = FileTool.locateFile("FileToolTest.class", FileTool.class);
String result = FileTool.read("FileToolTest.class");

lang - Application

Retrieve application specific informations from system properties and manifest from jarfile

String versionFromManifest = Application.get(getClass()).getApplicationVersion();
String osInfo = Application.getOsNameAndVersion();

lang - Close

Swallow checked exceptions and many more

 Close.unchecked(() -> {
   throw new IOException("We choose a checked one!");

lang - ExceptionAdapter

Prints Stacktraces for logging purposes.

 ExceptionAdapter instance = new ExceptionAdapter(new Exception("Checked!"));

lang - Expression

To check for empty things and others.


lang - Objects

Really nice stuff to check for conditions and throw a custom exception.

Objects.notNull(nullInstance, RuntimeException.class, "Here we have a custom RuntimeException in {}", this);
Objects.nonZero(parameter, "Oh no you cannot use {} as value!", parameter);
Objects.notBlank("   ", "testNotBlank!");

mem - MemoryUtils

Work with all kind of memory informations of the JVM.

double result = new MemoryUtils().getMemoryUsedPercentage();

net - Download

Downloading files in a performant manner.

File downloadedFile = Download.aFile(url);

reflection - ReflectionHelper

Simplify java reflection.

Object newObject = ReflectionHelper.newObject("java.lang.StringBuilder", null, "Hello");

reflection - ReflectionHelper

Simplify java reflection.

Object newObject = ReflectionHelper.newObject("java.lang.StringBuilder", null, "Hello");
IOException exception = ReflectionHelper.newException(IOException.class, "AnyMessageForOurIOException");
ReflectionHelper.setValue(pojo, "setValueA", "Alpha");

text - CamelCase

Build CamelCase Strings.

CamelCase.toGetter("version_id"); //"getVersionId"
CamelCase.toSetter("last_name"); //"setLastName"
CamelCase.toCamelCase("_un_der_score_word"); //"UnDerScoreWord"

text - HumanReadable

Intelligent Formatter. Displays values eg time values in a human readable format, eg. "ms", "sec", "min", "h", "days"

String result = HumanReadable.milliSec(System.currentTimeInMillis());
HumanReadable.bytes(anyByteValue); //"bytes", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB"

text - RandomStrings

Build random strings and words

RandomStrings instance = new RandomStrings();

xml - dom - XMLTool

xml - jaxb - RandomStrings



xml - map - XMLMap

Reads any xml file in a standard java Map. Including methods to save and reload it.

XMLMap xmap = new XMLMap(file);



AES implementation which concatenates

        //we want to encrypt following data....we can encrypt anything which can be converted to a byte array
        byte[] data2Encrypt = "This is our secret data which can be any bytes we want to encrypt!".getBytes();
        char[] password = "aG§s5 Srt234!MyP assw0rd!!".toCharArray(); //passwords should be held in character arrays, not String's!

        //we start by creating an AES object...(the empty constructor is defaulting to some initial parameters, eg. 128 bit mode)
        AES encryptor = new AES();
        //first we need a salt... we choose to generate a new random one
        byte[] salt = encryptor.generateSalt();
        //next we create our AES key object using our secret password and the previously created salt
        SecretKey key = encryptor.generateKey(password, salt);

        //apply encryption producing extended cipher data
        byte[] encryptedA = encryptor.encryptAndMerge(key, salt, data2Encrypt);

        //apply decryption
        AES decryptor = new AES(); //(we simulate a separate session and use NOT the same AES object for encryption and decryption)
        byte[] decrypted = decryptor.decryptMergedData(password, encryptedA);
        //we only have to convert our byte array back to String:
        System.out.println("Data: '" + new String(decrypted) + "'");

        assertThat(decrypted, equalTo(data2Encrypt));

Crypto Tool

Hack to emulate Extended Java installation (JCE jurisdiction policy files). So you don't have to install JCE separately!
