Python2 script that loads a bibtex file, validates its content (see Bibtex style), and saves it in a clean version.
When used with option '--subset' (see Usage and Example_subset), it creates a new bibtex file only including a subset of the original items (this may be useful to create a project-specific file out of a master bibtex file).
usage: [-h] [--subset SUBSET] [-d] refs
Clean and sort a bibtex file.
positional arguments:
refs bibtex file to be cleaned/sorted
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--subset SUBSET only use items listed in the file SUBSET (default: use all)
-d dry run (only parse, do not write any file)
The script requires enforcement of a set of style properties in the bibtex file:
- Titles should be enclosed in double curly brackets.
- Item types (article, book, ..) should be in lower case.
- Do not break long lines (e.g. a long authors list).
- Comments should start with '#'.
- 'month' field should not be included ('mmonth', which is not recognized by bibtex, is accepted).
- Tabs should be replaced by spaces.
- arXiv ID should be in the 'note' field.
These choices are as of my taste. To modify them, look at this code block:
print 'Parsing %s - start' % file_input
print 'Parsing %s - end (total number of keys: %i)' % (file_input, num_items)