
Personnal FTP of 42

Primary LanguageC


* This is a project of Ecole 42
* This program contain a ft_p server and a ft_p client.
* When you launch the server a folder "d_server" is create and it's the root of it.
* When a new client is launch a folder "client_X" (where X is the number of the client) was create.
* You can find the logs of the server in ft_p.log.


$>  make
$>  usage: ./server <port>
$>  usage: ./client <addr> <port>

Available commands :

  • whoami (display the number of client)
  • pwd (writes the pathname of the current working directory)
  • cd (change the working directory of the server for the current client)
  • get (transfert a file server to client)
  • put (transfert a file client to server)
  • ls (list directory contents of the server)
  • mkdir (create a new directory on the server)
  • rm (remove directory entries)
  • lls (list directory contents of the client)
  • lmkdir (create a new directory on the client)
  • lrm (remove directory entries on the client)
  • quit (disconnect and exit the client)

Copyright / Licence

This project is a project of @42born2Code. I leave the code available to everyone, for practical and professional reasons. Students of 42, you can look my code and copy it but you know it's not in the pedagogy of the school and I consider it as cheating and the staff too.