
Dust.js support for Sublime Text


Dust.js support for Sublime Text.

How to use

Dust.js support will be active for any *.dust file, or by choosing “Set Syntax: Dust.js Template” in the Command Palette.

Type one of the these triggers – followed by tab or ctrl+tab – to insert a snippets.

Trigger Meaning Snippet
dc dust comment {! ... !}
ds dust section {#section}...{/section}
dn dust no {^name}...{/name}
dy dust yes {?name}...{/name}
dp dust partial {>partial}...{/partial}
db dust block {>block}...{/block}
deq dust equals {@eq}...{:else}...{/eq}
dne dust not equals {@ne}...{:else}...{/ne}
dlt dust less than {@lt}...{:else}...{/lt}
dlte dust less than or equals {@lte}...{:else}...{/lte}
dgt dust greater than {@gt}...{:else}...{/gt}
dgte dust greater than or equals {@gte}...{:else}...{/gte}
dmath dust math {@math key="..." method="..." ...}
dsel dust select {@select}...{/select}

Written in JSON and used AAAPackageDev to convert to plist.

Completions are inspired by SublimeHTMLMustache.