__ ___ ____ _____ ____ ____ _____ _ _ ____ \ \ / / \ |___ \| ____| _ \| _ \ |_ _| \ | |/ ___| \ \ / / _ \ __) | _| | |_) | |_) |____| | | \| | | \ V / ___ \ / __/| |___| __/| _ <_____| | | |\ | |___ \_/_/ \_\_____|_____|_| |_| \_\ |_| |_| \_|\____| by Thomas Cort <linuxgeek@gmail.com> ( VA2EPR / KB1EPR ) This is a student's final year Electronics Technology project which implements a Terminal Node Controller and an APRS tracker. See the LICENSE file in this directory for details on the licenses that apply to the project files. Project Layout -------------- documents/ reports, presentations, and notes about the project. hardware/ schematic/pcb/etc in LabCenter Proteus ISIS/ARES format. firmware/ C code that runs on the ATMega1284p microcontroller. software/ C++ code the runs on the PC to provide a GUI. website/ project website ( http://www.tomcort.com/ ).