
Switch from SMTP to Mailgun API, and process mails async instead of sync.

Primary LanguageRuby


  • Prerequisites:

Put all the env vars listed below in a file called .env.development in the root of the project.

When using the mailgun_rails gem in comibination with Active Job (backend: shoryuken) following env vars are expected to be there:

export MAILER_FROM_ADDRESS=noreply@unifiedpost.com
export MAILGUN_DOMAIN=upnxt.mailgun.org
export ACTIVE_JOB_QUEUE=active_job_queue
export ACTIVE_JOB_DLQ=active_job_queue_dlq

When using smtp following env vars are expected to be there:

export MAILER_USERNAME=postmaster@upnxt.mailgun.org
export MAILER_DOMAIN=upnxt.mailgun.org
export MAILER_ADDRESS=smtp.mailgun.org
export MAILER_PORT=587

Following env var should be always there:

export MAILER_FROM_ADDRESS=a_valid@email.com

Assumption: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to be set (use .env.local or other way)

  • To fire up the demo:

Type following command in 2 different terminals:

foreman start web-local
source .env.development && foreman start web-worker

Go to http://localhost:5556/ in a browser.