
Primary LanguageJavaScript


SQL Simulator in Javascript. Performance and storage space be damned! This is an in-memory simulator meant to show how SQL works, allowing inspection of database state at any (and every!) time during execution.


Clone the repository then run the following commands:

$ bun install
$ bun test

Don't have bun? You can get it here. If you don't want to use bun, you can also easily use npm or yarn instead.

Supported SQL Flavors

  • MySQL

More to come!

Keywords Supported


  • CREATE TABLE (see below)
  • INSERT INTO Table VALUES ... (all-column insert)
  • INSERT INTO Table (col1, col2, ...) VALUES ... (column-specific inserts)
  • UPDATE Table SET _col1 = ...; (update all records)
  • UPDATE Table SET _col1 = ..., col2 = ... WHERE ... (single and multi column updates with filtering)
  • SELECT * FROM Table (basic selection)
  • SELECT col1, col2, ... FROM Table (column filtering via projection)
  • SELECT col3, col3, col3 FROM Table (column expansion via projection)
  • SELECT (col2 + 5) FROM Table (expressions via projection)
  • SELECT ... FROM Table WHERE expression (row filtering via expressions, see below)
  • SELECT ... FROM Table JOIN AnotherTable ON expression (inner joins)
  • SELECT ... FROM Table LEFT JOIN AnotherTable ON expression (left joins)
  • SELECT ... FROM Table RIGHT JOIN AnotherTable ON expression (right joins)
  • SELECT ... FROM Table FULL JOIN AnotherTable ON expression (full joins)
  • SELECT ... FROM Table CROSS JOIN AnotherTable (cross join)
  • SELECT Table1.col1, Table2.col2 FROM Table1 JOIN Table2 ON ... (table name prefixing)
  • SELECT ... FROM Table AS NewName (AS for table names)
  • SELECT col1 AS newname FROM ... (AS for column names)
  • SELECT 5 AS newname (selecting literals with AS for dymanic table creation)
  • SELECT ... FROM Table WHERE (SELECT ...) (subqueries in the WHERE clause)
  • SELECT ... FROM Table WHERE col1 > (SELECT AVG(col1) FROM ... WHERE col2 = Table.col2) (correlated subquery)
  • SELECT ... FROM (SELECT ...) (subqueries in the FROM clause)
  • SELECT _(SELECT ...) FROM ... (subqueries in the projection list)
  • SELECT ... FROM ... ORDER BY col1 ASC, col2 DESC, ... (single and multi-column row ordering, with direction)
  • SELECT ... FROM ... ORDER BY col1 > 5, ... (single and multi-column row ordering with expressions)
  • SELECT FUNC(col1) FROM Table (simple aggregation)
  • SELECT FUNC(col1 + 100) FROM Table (aggregation with expressions)
  • SELECT FUNC(col1) + 100 FROM Table (aggregation as expressions)
  • SELECT groupCol, FUNC(col1) FROM Table GROUP BY (aggregation with grouping)
  • SELECT groupCol, FUNC(col1) FROM Table GROUP BY ... HAVING ... (with grouping and filtering)


  • Data type constraints (e.g., INTEGER, VARCHAR(20), etc.)
  • AUTO_INCREMENT constraint
  • UNIQUE constraint
  • NOT NULL constraint
  • PRIMARY KEY (col1) constraint (single primary key)
  • PRIMARY KEY (col1, col2, ...) constraint (composite primary key)
  • FOREIGN KEY ... REFERENCES ... constraint
  • ON UPDATE constraint
  • ON DELETE constraint
  • CHECK constraints

Expressions (e.g., in WHERE clause)

  • Column references (e.g., age > ...)
  • + operator
  • - operator
  • / operator
  • * operator
  • = operator
  • != operator
  • < operator
  • <= operator
  • > operator
  • >= operator
  • <> operator
  • AND operator
  • OR operator
  • IS operator (Note: only TRUE/FALSE supported; UNKNOWN not yet supported)
  • IS NOT operator (Note: only TRUE/FALSE supported; UNKNOWN not yet supported)
  • IN (...expression list...) operator
  • IN (...subquery...) operator
  • NOT IN (...expression list...) operator
  • NOT IN (...subquery...) operator
  • LIKE operator
  • ANY operator
  • SOME operator

Aggregation Functions

  • AVG()
  • BIT_AND()
  • BIT_OR()
  • BIT_XOR()
  • COUNT()
  • MAX()
  • MIN()
  • STD()
  • STDDEV()
  • SUM()
  • VAR_POP()
  • VAR_SAMP()