
Templating tool for midje facts

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


Create midje fact groups by defining a template and a sequence of fillings.


(fact "Condensed example of all features"
      (macroexpand-1 '(template-facts
                       "condensed feature example"
                       [{:.name "show fillings are filled"
                         :.val :.indirect-val
                         :.indirect-val "foo"}
                        {:.name "show optional checkers"
                         :.val "foo"
                         :.option ("baz" => "baz")}]
                 (let [v (:key {:key :.val})]
                       v => "foo"
      '(midje.sweet/fact-group "condensed feature example"
         (midje.sweet/fact "show fillings are filled"
           (let [v (:key {:key "foo"})]
             v => "foo"))
         (midje.sweet/fact "show optional checkers"
           (let [v (:key {:key "foo"})]
             v => "foo"
             "baz" => "baz"))))

Import from clojars with:

[midje-template "0.4.0"]

then add to project.clj

:profiles {:dev {:dependencies [[midje-template "0.2.0"]]}}


Often tests can become very repetative, most times you can get by with tabular midje definitions, but sometimes you need something that's a bit more flexiable. It for those times that midje-template is made for.


You define a midje template, using all the midje syntax you like, but where you might use the ? syntax in a tabular definition you use :. to create substitution points:

(macroexpand-1 '(template-fact
                       {:.key "foo"}
                       :.key => "foo"))
      '(midje.sweet/fact "Fact"
                         "foo" => "foo")

However, with midje-template you are not just restricted to substituting in values, you can substitute whole checker expressions:

(macroexpand-1 '(template-fact
                       {:.check ("foo" => "foo")}
      '(midje.sweet/fact ""
                         "foo" => "foo")

Of course your going to want a name for that test, :.name is how to get one of those:

(macroexpand-1 '(template-fact
                       {:.name "Templated Checker!"
                       :.check ("foo" => "foo")}
      '(midje.sweet/fact "Templated Checker!"
                         "foo" => "foo")

:.name is supported in all template definitions.

Now templating doesn't make a whole lot of sense for creating single facts. You only get benefit from a template when you use it mulitple times:

(macroexpand-1 '(template-facts
                       [{:.key "foo"}
                        {:.key "bar"}
                        {:.key "baz"}]
                       :.key => "foo"))
        (midje.sweet/fact ""
                           "foo" => "foo")
        (midje.sweet/fact ""
                           "bar" => "foo")
        (midje.sweet/fact ""
                          "baz" => "foo"))

This would do in the ideal world of sunshine and unicorns, but there's always one test that just needs that extra step to fit the pattern. Never fear, midje-template is here:

(macroexpand-1 '(template-facts
                       [{:.key "foo"}
                        {:.key "foo"
                         :.option ("baz" => "baz")}]
                       :.key => "foo"
        (midje.sweet/fact ""
                          "foo" => "foo")
        (midje.sweet/fact ""
                          "foo" => "foo"
                          "baz" => "baz"))

Then there's value that needs to present in another value, as part of a map say, but also is needed by itself:

(macroexpand-1 '(template-fact
                       {:.map {"foo" :.val}
                        :.val "bar"}
                       (let [fiz (-> :.map (get "foo"))] fiz) => "bar"))
      '(midje.sweet/fact "" (let [fiz (-> {"foo" "bar"} (get "foo"))] fiz) => "bar")

Yes, you can put your substitutions anywhere you like!

That's pretty much all it does for now, check the tests for more. Enjoy!

Is this a good idea?

I'm not completely sure to be honest :) It is easy to see how this could be horribly misused, resulting in test suites that are far harder to read than if they had just been written out long hand.

However, I think with careful thought and a little restraint there are scenarios where it could bring real benefits. Only time and a little experimentation will tell.