
A clojure wrapper for the rest driver library

Primary LanguageClojure


A Clojure wrapper for rest-driver.


Import from clojars with:

[rest-cljer "0.1.3"]


(:require [rest-cljer.core :refer [rest-driven]])

Example below shows midje usage.

(fact "Example of testing two"
          [{:method :GET :url "/gety"}
           {:type :JSON :status 200}

           {:method :GET :url "/something"}
           {:type :JSON :status 200}]

          (client/get "http://localhost:8081/gety") => (contains {:status 200})
          (client/get "http://localhost:8081/something") => (contains {:status 200})))

Wrap your test with the (rest-driven) macro.

This expects params in the form of a vector of pairs of maps followed by a body form that is your test.

The two maps correspond to a request and response (in that order). The request tells us what request to expect and the response map describes the response.

Another example:

(fact "User history is posted to scrobbling"
           [{:method :POST :url "/events"
             :body [(Pattern/compile "\\{.*\"userid\":\"userid\".*\\}")
            {:type :JSON :status 202}]

           (let [response (client/post ...snip...)]

             response => (contains {:status 202}))))

You can also specific a map as the body of the request, thereby asserting that the right content is sent:

(fact "I want to know my code is sending out the right information" (rest-driven
           [{:method :POST :url "/downstream"
             :body {:information "yes,please"}
            {:type :JSON :status 202}]

           (let [response (client/post {:body (json-str {:infomation "yes,please"}) :content-type :json]

             response => (contains {:status 202}))))

There is also some sweetening of response definitions, like so:

(rest-driven [{:method :GET :url resource-path}
                      {:body {:inigo "montoya"}}]
                     (let [resp (http/get url)]
                       resp => (contains {:status 200})
                       (:headers resp) => (contains {"content-type" "application/json"})
                       (json/read-str (:body resp) :key-fn keyword) => {:inigo "montoya"}))

Request map params:

:body   -> a string or regex or map that should match the body of the request
:url    -> a string or regex that should match the url

Response map params:

:type   -> :JSON (application/json) :XML (text/xml) :PLAIN (text/plain)
:status -> the response status as a number
:body   -> a response body (string)


Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.