
This script creates a webpage to show SCCM OSD Reporting

Primary LanguageCSS

New in Version 2

Reworked script to be considerably more dynamic.
Added TSAdvertisementID as a variable for easier editing by end user.
Added use of ConfigMgr module for importing TS and Driver steps for dynamic building of HTML.
Grouped Driver steps together and put them as one step (this keeps the horizontal table size down).
Added processing of skipped steps (when conditions are not met on TS Step). Hovering over the grey checkmark gives more detail.
Now results sort with newest computers at top.
Added support to specify multiple TSadvertisment IDs so that we can see multiple deployments for a TS
Added support for Modern Driver Management using the -MDM parameter.


This script will query the ConfigMgr database for Task Sequence Status Messages. The output is parsed and built into a webpage that will automatically refresh every 90 seconds. The script should be setup to run as a scheduled task.

The output will look like this. It lists every step of the task sequence as well as:
Image Start Time
Image Completed Time
Image Duration
Last Log received time
Name During Imaging

Table Example

In my opinion, the best part about this is that it shows what task sequence step a computer fails out at during the imaging process. I've included the error text. This can be seen by hovering over the red "x" box as shown below:

Error Example


Powershell 3.0
IIS setup with the files from the "IIS" folder
Configuration Manager console installed

Things to Edit to Make This Work For You

Please review the Detailed Setup Guide for more information on setting this up.