
A SIP simulator as a learning project for RUST

Primary LanguageRust

Rust Build Rust Testing

SIR Simulator

I am making this test project to learn to work with Rust and Web Assembly. More information of this model can be found on Wikipedia

Click here for a demo of the output result.

Install Rust

Checkout this page to install Rust: https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install

You should now have the rust compiler installed. The rust project is located in the src/rust directory. You can test it out by running

cargo build

from within the root folder. The targets are compiled in the target directory.

or run the unit tests by running

cargo test

Code coverage

First install the cargo tarpualin:

cargo install cargo-tarpaulin

Code coverage is measured with:

cargo tarpaulin --out Html

This generates the file tarpaulin-report.html in the root folder.

Install Rust to WASM compiler

Wasm-pack the the wasm compiler for rust and can be installed from.


Compile the rust package by running:

wasm-back build

This will generate the wasm and typescript files in the pkg folder.

Use wasm in you webpage

The demo webpage is located in the root folder. Go into the folder and run:

yarn install

to install the webassembly packages and run

yarn serve

to test the webpage.