
Rust macro to build std::process::Command objects with shell syntax. Uses macro_rules! and works on stable.

Primary LanguageRust


Simple Rust macro for building std::process::Command objects. Uses macro_rules! and works on stable.

commandspec = "0.10"


extern crate commandspec;

use commandspec::CommandSpec; // .execute() method on Command
use std::process::Command;

let result = execute!(
        cd path/location
        export RUST_LOG=full
        export RUST_BACKTRACE=1
        cargo run {release_flag} --bin {bin_name} -- {args}
    args=vec!["arg1", "arg2"],
// result = Ok(()) on success (error code 0), Err(CommandError) for all else

Format of the commandspec input, in order:

  • (optional) cd <path> to set the current working directory of the command, where path can be a literal, a quoted string, or format variable.
  • (optional) one or more export <name>=<value> lines to set environment variables, with the same formatting options.
  • Last, a command you want to invoke, optionally with format arguments.


  • format-like invocation makes it easy to interpolate variables, with automatic quoting
  • Equivalent syntax to shell when prototyping
  • Works on stable Rust.


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