Steps to get started:

We assume that the minikube installation is done, and you have a healthy system.

First create the LoadBalancer: minikube kubectl -- apply -f load-balancer.yaml

Verify the creation of the service: minikube kubectl -- get svc

Create the database-service: minikube kubectl -- apply -f database-service.yaml

Verify the creation of the service: minikube kubectl -- get svc

You should now see both the myreds and the postgres-service services listed.

Create the statefulest for the database: minikube kubectl -- apply -f database.yaml

Verify both the statefulset and the pod: minikube kubectl -- get sts minikube kubectl -- get pod

Create the directory on the minikube host for the persistent volume: ssh into the minikube VM: minikube ssh

Create the directory: mkdir /tmp/hostpath-provisioner/default/redmine-files/

After this we can leave the minikube VM: exit

Now we can create the persistent volume and the volume claim: minikube kubectl -- apply -f redmine-files.yaml

Verify that both created, and the status for both is "Bound": minikube kubectl -- get pv minikube kubectl -- get pvc

Create the redmine-service: minikube kubectl -- apply -f redmine-service.yaml

Check if the service is created and healthy: minikube kubectl -- get svc

Create the redmine statefulset: minikube kubectl -- apply -f redmine.yaml

Check both the statefulset, and the pods: minikube kubectl -- get sts minikube kubectl -- get pod

Create the dashboard-service: minikube kubectl -- apply -f dashboard-service.yaml

Check if the service is created and healthy: minikube kubectl -- get svc

Create the dashboard deployment: minikube kubectl -- apply -f dashboard.yaml

Check both the statefulset, and the pods: minikube kubectl -- get deploy minikube kubectl -- get pod

If all the above operations succeeded, and every service, statefulset, volume claim and pod is active and healthy, our MyReds application is ready to server!

The access the loadbalancer, you need to expose it to the host system that runs minikube: minikube tunnel

After this start a browser on the host system: navigate to http:\\localhost, should open the redmine GUI navigate to http:\\localhost:81, should open the dashboard, which shows all Issues of the redmine system

To remove something: minikube kubectl -- delete --cascade='foreground' -f <yaml-file.yaml>