
Experimental- mas automation operator

Primary LanguageMakefile

Experimental- MAS automation operator

Defaults to latest v8.8 of MAS

This creates an operator that will kick off the ansible tasks when passed a CR for whatever MAS component you wish to be installed. Sample CR's can be found in the /config/samples directory.

Present state recommending taking defaults for mas instance name: inst1 otherwise will need to change the role binding, this will be changed when we move to full OLM / custom catalog install.

Current list of MAS components supported with this install:

  • Core
  • Manage
  • IoT
  • Monitor
  • AppConnect


  1. Clone or download the repo to a local directory, login to openshift cluster via login token
  2. Set IMG var (check out the repo and pick the latest image tag - at time of writing its v0.6.0)

export IMG=docker.io/tcskill/masauto:v0.6.0

  1. Install Operator into cluster and add your entitlement key

make install deploy

IBM Entitlement Key Create a secret to hold your ibm entitlement key:

oc create secret generic "ibm-entitlement-key" -n masauto-operator-system --from-literal="username=cp" --from-literal="password=YOUR-KEY-GOES-HERE"

  1. Customize your CR and install on the cluster (obviously install core CR first, then the others: manage, iot, monitor, etc.) Sample CR's are foundin the /config/samples directory of this repo.

oc apply -f core_cr.yaml

  1. Watch the magic! - you can check the progress of the ansible by looking at the operator pod logs


./mas-destroy-core.sh inst1 ibm-sls mongoce


  • Add other MAS app playbooks/api's
  • Determine best defaults to set for manage components var: mas_appws_components
  • Add OLM, custom catalog
  • Update Core CRD to reflect Core in the Kind
  • Update role binding to instance variable instead of default inst1
  • Add destroy script for other apps (core only right now)

Change Log


  • Adds AppConnect deployment
  • can read secret for ibm-entitlement-key from operator secret OR can pass in CR supports both now


  • Adds Monitor deployment
  • Sets reconcile period


  • Adds IoT deployment


  • Adds Manage and DB2 deployment
  • start adding sample CR's in the config/samples directory


  • First working version with Core


  • Sets up initial operator scaffolding
  • Adds initial core api