
Primary LanguageSwift



  • Use menu on mac status bar to control(start, restart, new window...) emacs deamon process just like systemctl does on linux.
  • Activate emacs window with global shortcut.
  • Support org-protocol scheme so you don't need to create an applescript app to do that.
  • Support edit captured content when using org-roam-protocol.


  • Latest app can be downloaded from Releases page.
  • Or you can clone this project and build your own.

How to use

  • First write your emacs pid to file.

    For spacemacs user, just use following code:

    (unless (spacemacs/system-is-mswindows)
      (let ((pidfile (concat dotspacemacs-ignore-directory "emacs.pid"))
            (pid (number-to-string (emacs-pid))))
        (with-temp-file pidfile
          (message (format "write pid %s to %s" pid pidfile))
          (insert pid))
        (add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook
                  `(lambda ()
                     (with-temp-file ',pidfile)
                      (insert "")))
    (provide 'pidfile)
  • Second configure your pid file path and emacs path.

    At least, you should set Pid File Path and Emacs Binary Directory.

    Also, you can set a shortcut to activate window window.

  • Finally control your emacs from status bar menu.