A simple website for storing and displaying air quality data from a hardware tracker.
This project uses a Particle Photon to read data from a SEN55 particulate matter/VOC/NOX sensor, a SCD40 CO2 sensor, and a SHT40 temperature/humidity sensor. The sensors are directly connected to the Photon via I2C.
Since libraries for these sensors are not available directly on Particle, you'll need to upload them yourself.
The firmware for the Photon is in hardware/roomtracker.ino
Data collected from the sensors are published via Particle Cloud events. A serverless function proxies the data using an API user token, which is then displayed live on the site using Server-Sent Events.
A webhook is also used to send data to a Google Sheet using Apps Script, and that data is stored to GitHub using a GitHub Action. Historical data is stored in this repositiory under the archive