
An in-house Android system service for monitoring device health and support OTA firmware update

Primary LanguageKotlin



There are two application modules (apkupdater and privilegedinstaller) and one library module (updaterengine) in the repository.

UpdaterEnginge Library

The updater SDK. More details here

ApkUpdater App

The updater app integrated with the engine SDK. More details here

Privileged Install App

The silent installer signed with the Android platform key. More details here

How to Build

Bugsnag API Keys

We use Bugsnag to track the crashes. Each App has a unique Bugsnag API key and the key is stored in bugsnag.properties.

You'll need to download two bugsnag.properties files for the apkupdater and privilegedinstaller respectively.

  • Download here for the apkupdater's bugsnag file. Place the file under apkupdater/ folder.

  • Download here for the privilegedinstaller's bugsnag file. Place the file under privilegedinstaller/ folder.

Android Platform Signing Keys

All the apps here are signed with the Android platform key. For successful signing the APK, you'll need:

Place he files under project root folder.

On-site Support

Toggle Logging for Production

Enable logging.

# 1 to enable; 0 to disable
adb shell settings put secure forcefully_loggable 1

Disable logging.

# 1 to enable; 0 to disable
adb shell settings put secure forcefully_loggable 0

Code Owners

  • @boyw165
  • @xuhaibahmad
  • @kevinmmarlow