
This is a boilerplate implementation of Laravel 10 using Vue, Inertia.js, and Primevue/Primeflex.

Primary LanguagePHP

Enraiged Laravel

Laravel 10Vue v3.3Inertia.js v1.0PrimeVUE v3.40PrimeFlex v3.3PrimeIcons v6.0

Table of Contents

Install Application

Retrieve Repository

cd /path/to/your/repos/ # traverse into your repositories directory
git clone https://github.com/tcytra/enraiged-laravel [new-directory]
cd [new-directory]/

Important: Ensure system state directories exist, these must be writable by the host service user:

install -d bootstrap/cache
install -d storage/{app,logs,framework/{cache,sessions,testing,views}}

Install the vendor packages:

Add the --no-dev flag when installing on a production host.

composer install

Init Environment

Create the initial environment configuration:

cp .env.example .env     # create the .env file from the example config
php artisan key:generate # create the application key

The setup from the .env.example will be enough to get you started in a local environment. At minimum, valid DB_ parameters will need to be added, and the developer may want to double-check the basic APP_ config.

Build Database

The database build process will use the data found in the seeds resources to add the application roles and the initial users. These assets were published into ~/resources/seeds/:

The developer will need to define their application roles and any initial users, such as a master administrator:

  • Define the initial users in ~/resources/seeds/users.json
  • Define the application roles in ~/resources/seeds/roles.json
  • Update the roles enums in ~/app/Enums/Roles.php

The migration and seeder assets can now be run:

php artisan migrate --seed

Build Client

Finally, we will install the node packages and build the front-end resources. Start with:

Add the --no-dev flag when installing on a production host.

npm install

Launch the vite development build (during development):

npm run dev

When complete, build the app for service:

npm run build


I encountered an issue with Primevue Datatables handling of rowgroup colspan. In the vendor files, they are actively subtracting the calculated column count and I don't understand why. I've included a patch to prevent this subtraction.

Apply the patch (optional):

patch -Nr - --version-control none -p0 < patches/primevue-3.40.1-datatable-correct-rowgroup-colspan.patch

I also created a patch that modifies the primevue DataCell component to allow disabling row checkbox,radio selectors:

Apply the patch (optional):

patch -Nr - --version-control none -p0 < patches/primevue-3.40.1-datatable-bodycell-add-selectable.patch

Revert these changes by using -Rp0 instead of -p0

Note: The npm run build command will need to be reexecuted after applying these patches.

Serve Application

The simplest way to launch and preview this application is with artisan serve:

php artisan serve

Run the SSR server:

php artisan inertia:start-ssr

Now, navigate to (, et voilà.

Serving this application by other means is beyond the scope of this README.

Stop the SSR server:

php artisan inertia:stop-ssr

Known Issue

Primevue does not seem to be ssr-ready, so I spent some time providing a quick means of correcting the vendor files. There are two options for applying these corrections. While option 2 is quicker, option 1 is more likely to work for future versions of the vendor packages.

Note: Verify whether this fix is working for you by inspecting the viewing the html source with the SSR service running. If SSR is working, the html body will be populated (or hydrated) with the html structure of the page.

Option 1: Artisan Command

The primevue packages can be fixed with an artisan command:

Add the --revert flag to reverse these changes.

php artisan enraiged:fix-ssr

Option 2: Apply Patch

Or, the quicker option is to apply the provided patch:

Reverse these changes by using -Rp0 instead of -p0

patch -Nr - --version-control none -p0 < patches/primevue-3.40.1-ssr-ready-corrections.patch

Note: The npm run build command will need to be reexecuted after applying this patch.


Enraiged Forms

Documentation for using the Enraiged Forms package can be found in the enraiged-forms/README.md.


Enraiged Laravel is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.