
A repository for students to practice using Git/Github

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A repository for students to practice using Git/Github

Instructions for students:

  1. Fork the repository into your own github account.
  2. Remove the erroneous commit 0dbea28. It was a mistake! It shouldn't appear in history anymore. Hint: rebase --interactive
  3. Remove the file delete.me from the repo
  4. Make a file called todo.txt, add some tasks into it, and commit it.
  5. Rebase your master branch onto matt-chan-branch-1.
  6. Add more tasks to todo.txt and commit those too.
  7. Go back to the original commit introducing todo.txt and make a new branch called planB. Add some tasks to the file and make a commit.
  8. Merge the two branches back together. Fix any merge conflicts.
  9. Make a pull request against my master branch.