
A Bot that copies BNB address Trades on PancakeSwap Prediction

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Copy Trades PancakeSwap Prediction Bot 🥞🐰📋🤖

A Bot that copies BNB address Live Trades on PancakeSwap Prediction

  • Bot Auto claims winnings from your copied trades.
  • As soon as your copied BNB Address Creates a transaction to choose BULL or BEAR you will too.

🔎 Find a BNB address to copy Bets

Copy an address from PancakeSwap Prediction Leaderboards that is doing well - https://pancakeswap.finance/prediction/leaderboard. Or Find an address interacting with PancakeSwap Prediction contract (https://bscscan.com/address/0x18B2A687610328590Bc8F2e5fEdDe3b582A49cdA) that is doing well to copy.

⚙️ Get Started

  1. Install Node.JS - https://nodejs.org/en/download/

  2. Download Git - https://git-scm.com/downloads and Install then Git Clone this repository.

  3. Get a Free BNB Chain Websocket Endpoint here.

    BNB Chain Endpoints are used so the bot can interact with the Blockchain. (You will copy the Websockets (ws) one later)

  4. Get some BNB here.

⚡ How to Setup

Warning: The Private Key should be kept secret and be careful with any funds associated as anyone with this can access funds.

  1. Create a new wallet just for betting, NEVER USE YOUR MAIN WALLET'S PRIVATE KEYS!

  2. Edit .env file with your private key

  3. change the mem.js line 9 provider to Quicknode websockets endpoint chosen in the earlier steps, addressToWatch line 5 to address you want to watch and betAmount line 6 to how much BNB you want to trade with then save file.

  4. Open up Command Prompt and run npm install in directory of Bot

  5. Run command node mem.js in project directory on Command Prompt to start the bot.

  6. Ready to go! 🔮

Tips 🔍

Adjust Gas Price and Gas Limits on mem.js

var gasLimitCn = 300000; var gasPriceCn = 7000000000;

How to stop Bot

To Stop the bot on Windows: press CTRL + C on the command prompt and on MAC press: Command + .

Delays with auto-claiming

You may need to wait an additional round for it to claim winnings.


Nothing contained in this program, scripts, code or repository should be construed as investment/financial advice, please consult a financial adviser before making any investment decisions. We are not in any way affiliated with PancakeSwap. All investment strategies and investments involve risk of loss. By using this program you accept all liabilities, and that no claims can be made against the developers or others connected with the program. A donation is made to the developer on winning rounds. We may get a commission from affiliate links on this page.