
My very first own library

Primary LanguageC

Libft Project


The libft project is included in the 42 school program and entails the creation of a personal version of various standard C library functions. Its objective is to instruct on how to develop custom libraries that can be utilized in future projects.


To use the libft library, include the libft.h header file in your project, and link your project against the libft.a library file generated by the makefile. The library provides several functions to manipulate strings, characters, and memory.

Project Requirements

The libft project requires the implementation of the following functions:

  • ft_memset - fill a block of memory with a specific value
  • ft_bzero - zero out a block of memory
  • ft_memcpy - copy a block of memory from one location to another
  • ft_memccpy - copy a block of memory from one location to another up to a specific character
  • ft_memmove - move a block of memory from one location to another, handling overlaps
  • ft_memchr - search for a character in a block of memory
  • ft_memcmp - compare two blocks of memory
  • ft_strlen - get the length of a string
  • ft_strlcpy - copy a string to a specific size
  • ft_strlcat - concatenate two strings to a specific size
  • ft_strchr - search for a character in a string
  • ft_strrchr - search for a character in a string from the end
  • ft_strnstr - search for a substring in a string up to a specific size
  • ft_strncmp - compare two strings up to a specific size
  • ft_atoi - convert a string to an integer
  • ft_isalpha - check if a character is alphabetic
  • ft_isdigit - check if a character is a digit
  • ft_isalnum - check if a character is alphanumeric
  • ft_isascii - check if a character is a 7-bit ASCII character
  • ft_isprint - check if a character is printable
  • ft_toupper - convert a character to uppercase
  • ft_tolower - convert a character to lowercase

The project also requires that you implement several additional functions:

  • ft_calloc - allocate and zero out a block of memory
  • ft_strdup - duplicate a string
  • ft_substr - extract a substring from a string
  • ft_strjoin - concatenate two strings
  • ft_strtrim - remove leading and trailing whitespace from a string
  • ft_split - split a string into substrings based on a delimiter
  • ft_itoa - convert an integer to a string
  • ft_strmapi - apply a function to each character in a string


The libft project also has several bonus requirements, including:

  • Implement additional functions
  • Implement linked lists


The libft project is an essential project for any programmer as it provides the foundation for manipulating strings, characters, and memory. By implementing your version of several standard C library functions, you will gain a deeper understanding of how these functions work and how you can customize them to suit your needs.