FG Hoppie ACARS Addon

What Is This?

This is an add-on for FlightGear, which implements an ACARS system based on
Hoppie's ACARS (http://www.hoppie.nl/acars/).

What It Does

Loading the add-on will create a Nasal object, `globals.acars`, which can
connect to Hoppie's server and send and retrieve raw ACARS messages. Some
essential ACARS state will also be exposed throught the property tree, under
the `/acars` node.

The intended use is to implement ACARS applications either aircraft-side, or as
separate addons. No facilities are provided for this, except some basic CPDLC
parsing functionality (see below).

An ACARS dialog is provided that can be used to start and stop the Hoppie
connection, and it also allows sending and receiving ACARS messages directly
(though, again, the intended use is through aircraft-specific in-sim
interfaces, typically a CDU or MCDU).


In order to use hoppie ACARS, you will need a logon token. Head over to
http://hoppie.nl/acars/ to request one.

The token, along with other configuration options, will live in the
`/sim/hoppie/` property subtree.

One way you can achieve this is adding something like this to your

            <!-- your Hoppie logon token -->
            <token type="string">YourSecretLogonTokenHere</token>

            <!-- Hoppie's server URL - the default should work just fine, but
                 if you want to run against a different server, you can put
                 its URL here. Curly braces are used for injecting variables.
            <url type="string">http://www.hoppie.nl/acars/system/connect.html?logon={logon}&from={from}&to={to}&type={type}&packet={packet}</url>

            <!-- If true, automatically start Hoppie ACARS when the Swift server is enabled. -->
            <autostart type="bool">false</autostart>

Nasal API

`globals.acars.start()` - start the ACARS system. Note that sending messages is
    currently possible even when the system is not started, but no downlink
    messages are received. When the ACARS system is started, it will poll the
    hoppie server for new messages once per second.
`globals.acars.stop()` - stops the ACARS system. See above.
`globals.acars.clear()` - clears out all message logs.
`globals.acars.send(to, type, packet, done)` - Send an ACARS uplink message.
    The 'from' field is filled automatically based on your current callsign.
    - 'to' is the recieving ACARS station. For some message types, this is
      ignored; for some types, it should be your own callsign (inforeq); for
      most types however it should be the receiving ACARS station.
    - 'type' can be one of `telex` (free-form text), `progress` (OOOI report),
      `position` (position report), `datareq` (data request, download a flight
      plan or similar), `inforeq` (information request), `cpdlc` (CPDLC
    - 'packet' is the payload. The format depends on the message type.
    - 'done' is an optional callback function that will be called when the
      message has been sent successfully.

Property Interface

`/hoppie/status-text` - a textual indication of whether the ACARS system is
    currently running.
`/hoppie/uplink` - this node will hold one `message` child for each uplink
    message enqueued or sent.
`/hoppie/downlink` - this node will hold one `message` child for each downlink
    message enqueued or sent.
`/hoppie/formatted-log` - a formatted textual log of all uplink and downlink