The Media Library Project

A project by students Trung An, Cyle Dawson, and Gavin Monroe for the COM S 362 course at Iowa State University in the spring of 2012



Eclipse will build the project automatically.

Apache Ant

Alternatively you can use Apache Ant to build the project. There is a build.xml file in the root of the project with the following targets:

  • clean
    • Removes .jar files
  • build (default)
    • Builds entire project including client, example client, and example server
  • client
    • Builds the client
  • exampleclient
    • Builds the example client
  • exampleserver
    • Builds the example server
  • startclient
    • Starts the client
  • startexampleclient
    • Starts the example client
  • startexampleserver
    • Starts the example server
  • javadoc
    • Generate API Documentation. After generating, view doc/javadoc/index.html in your browser.

NOTE: DO NOT commit the .jar files to the repository.

Package Structure

The project is organized into the following packages:

  • cajo.*
    • The cajo project SDK
  • controller
    • Controller
  • database
    • Database interaction
  • model
    • Data model
  • proxy
    • Service proxies
  • service
    • Services
  • ui
    • Graphical user interface

Included Libraries

  • grail.jar
    • Supports interactions between Java Virtual Machines
  • sqlitejdbc-v056.jar
    • An SQLite JDBC driver

Important Notes

  • If using Eclipse, import this project into Eclipse (DO NOT copy files into an existing project). This preserves project specific settings.