
LaWTeX is a LaTeX macro package that allows automated citations in Bluebook style, as used in legal documents, as well as a set of supporting document classes.

Primary LanguageTeX

This repo was copied from https://sourceforge.net/projects/lawtex/ as a backup.

All credit goes to Christopher DeCoro: http://chrisdecoro.com/


LawTeX --- Automated Legal Citations in LaTeX

For documentation, consult lawtex-doc.pdf. If this file is unavailable, it can
be built using makedoc.sh. The files in this directory include:

bluebook.sty            Package file for citation macros
lawbrief.cls            Class file for (appellate) legal briefs
lawmemo.cls             Class file for simple memos
lawcitations.ist        Style file for ToAs, passed to makeindex
lawtex-doc.tex          Source for documentation
makedoc.sh              Used to extract and build documentation

For examples, see the sample directory, especially postal-tro-motion.tex and
hosanna-tabor.tex. To build all the samples, cd to the sample directory and run

One suggested installation process (courtesy of StackExchange user egreg,
is to install all files in the local tree (/usr/local/share/texmf or similar),
with the following:

  sudo mkdir -p $(kpsewhich --var-value TEXMFLOCAL)/tex/latex/lawtex
  sudo mkdir -p $(kpsewhich --var-value TEXMFLOCAL)/makeindex/lawtex
  sudo mkdir -p $(kpsewhich --var-value TEXMFLOCAL)/doc/latex/lawtex

  sudo cp *.cls bluebook.sty $(kpsewhich --var-value TEXMFLOCAL)/tex/latex/lawtex
  sudo cp *.ist $(kpsewhich --var-value TEXMFLOCAL)/makeindex/lawtex
  sudo cp -R *doc* samples $(kpsewhich --var-value TEXMFLOCAL)/doc/latex/lawtex
  sudo mktexlsr

Note that this package makes use of the multind and xstring packages, and thus may require 
installation of texlive-latex-extra.


2014-10-7: Primarily bug fixes.  
 * Change permissions on files to group- and world-readable, removed execute
 * Removes erroneous hidden text in samples/SupremeBrief.pdf
 * Makes party titles (plaintiff, defendant, etc.) in caption generated by lawbrief.cls right-aligned
 * Adds page style for parenthesized arabic numbers (\pagestyle{arabicparen})
 * Comma seperator for table of authorities now set in .ist file
 * Fixed bug where citations on last page were not added to ToA
 * Changed samples makefile to set env to find .cls and .sty files
 * Ensure that a ToA header doesn't appear as the last line on a page

2013-06-10: This version is significantly updated from previous releases, and
includes support for law-review style footnote citations, as well as additional
citation types (books, articles, etc.).