
Primary LanguagePython

  • agent.py: Defines what the methods an agent (a policy) should define

  • agents: This folder contains several agents (policies). The "random" agent is currently the only one that fully works.

  • baselines: The baselines written by OpenAI.

  • controller.py: Takes an agent (policy) and an environment, and runs the policy on the environment.

  • definitions.py: Defines all the variables that can be used with main.py: the enviromnents, the agent(s), the predictors, the default values.

  • evaluator.py: Takes a ReplayBuffer file (from replays/) and a predictor, and evaluates it. Saves the result in a file (in results/).

  • main.py: "Demo" file which implements the 3 main steps that can be done.

    1. Collect data from an environment and save it in a ReplayBuffer file.
    2. Evaluate a predictor on a ReplayBuffer and save it in a Result file.
    3. Visualize the results of the predictors.
  • modelWrapper.py: A meta-agent (policy), which takes another agent (policy) and runs it, while evaluating a predictor or saving a ReplayBuffer.

  • models: This folder will contains in the future the DeepQ policies learned by the DeepQ baseline.

  • policyExamples.py: Obsolete demo file for RL examples (LQR, discrete Q-Learning, ...)

  • predictor.py: Defines the methods a Predictor should define.

  • predictors: This folder contains several "Predictors", ie. model that can be trained and used to predict the dynamics. Currently contains:

    • A "full" neural net
    • A "linear" neural net (Xt+1 = A(Xt) + W(Xt) * Ut)
    • A Gaussian Process
    • An "identity" predictor (ie. Xt+1 is predicted to be Xt)
  • replayBuffer.py: The class that handles the replay files to record episodes and load them.

  • result.py: The class that handles the result files to store predictions made by predictors, and to visualize errors.

  • results: This folder contains the results generated by evaluator.py.

  • simulation.py: Obsolete file.

  • tools.py: A bunch of useful classes and functions are coded here (LQR, normalizer, Gaussian Processes).

  • visualisator.py: The class that handles the visualisation of the results.