
Simple tool to plot simple data :D

Primary LanguagePython

This script was written fast, it's not meant to be beautiful code lmaoo forgive me for this cursed (yet working) script


Create one folder inside of data directory per graph you want to make. (The name of the folder will be the name of the graph, look at samples)

Then, inside graph's folder, create as many files .txt as you want (and each of them will be plotted on the same graph), following this format:

Data label
labelX, labelY
x1, y1
x2, y2
x3, y3

Plot type can be either line, points or both (look at samples)

(etc with all your data, there already are some samples in the data directory)

Then, run this to plot graphes one by one with default settings, just do

python main.py

But you can change settings by adding settings to the command this way (there is 2 of them here but you can put only one):

python main.py sett1 sett2

And current settings are:

nogrid if you want to hide the background grid

dashed if you want dashed lines instead of solid ones


python main.py dashed

is a valid command :D