#Pomodoro Timer I am building a timer web application using:
- Bootstrap
- jQuery
- NodeJS for serving the application
###User Stories
- As a user, when I navigate to the page, I see a timer of 25 mins.
- As a user, when I navigate to the page, I see a start button that starts the time countdown.
- As a user, I see a 'break' button that is disabled.
- As a user, when I click the 'start' button, the timer counts down to 0.
- As a user, after 25 minutes, the break button enables.
- As a user, when the break button is enabled I can click it.
- As a user, when I click the break button, the timer sets to 5 minutes and begins counting down.
- As a user, I see a 'pause' button.
- As a user, when the 'pause' button is clicked, it stops the timer.
- As a user, I see a 'reset' button.
- As a user, when I click 'reset' the timer is set back to '25:00'.