
Discord App Bot

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Just Winging It DiscordApp Bot


  1. Clone repository
  2. npm install
  3. Rename config.dist.json to config.json and fill in your credentials and API keys where applicable.
  4. Use node index.js to run, or set up something like https://github.com/Unitech/pm2 (pm2 start pm2.json)

All HTTP request made by the bot to various resources like Warcraft Logs, Dark Legacy Comics, WoW Token Info, etc. is cached using cached-request and their time-to-live value is hardcoded in the individual modules.


Run npm test to run available 'unit tests', which are not really unit tests per se, but serve the purpose of easily being able to examine the responses of the bot.

Command Modules

This bot uses Command Modules to define the commands available to the bot. The modules are loaded from modules/*.js.

A module can be blacklisted from being loaded by setting the key blacklisted: true in config.json, e.g.

"modules": {
    "TestModule": {
        "blacklisted": true

If the module is simply disabled ("enabled": false), it may still be loaded during run-time using the Manage module via !enmod, unless that has been disabled.

If you attempt to load two modules that define the same trigger, both modules will be loaded, but only the first module will be able to register the trigger globally. This simply means that if Module1 and Module2 defines !bot, then Module2 will just not be able to handle that trigger.

However, if you execute !dismod Module1, !reload Module2, then !enmod Module1 (via Manage) then the situation is reversed.

You cannot manage the load order of modules using the configuration file - it isn't normal operation to have modules define conflicting triggers.

Module Persistence

Some modules may have functionality that should persist across restarts, like break timers, Raffles and what not.

These modules may save this data as JSON using bot.storage which provides an instance of node-persist.

The save path for this is configurable in the persistsDir key.

Default Modules


Collects and shows raid attendance from Warcraft Logs combat reports as configured in config.json.


See also warcraftlogs configuration for Wcl module.

"Attendance": {
    "roles": ["Officer"],
    "filterInactive": 30,
    "sameNameMapping": {
        "MainCharacter": [
            "AltCharacter1", "AltCharacter2"

If filterInactive non-zero, the attendance list will exclude any characters from the report which has not attended a raid in that number of days.

sameNameMapping may be used to map alt characters to main characters to make sure they appear as one in attendance records.

Trigger: !att <num_raids = 12> Shows attendance percentages.
Trigger: !att <player>... <num_raids = 12> shows simple attendance for one or more players. player can be a partial name matching at the beginning of a player name.
Trigger: !att rm <name>... Exclude one or more character(s) from attendance reports
Trigger: !att reset <name>... Reset exclusion of one or more character(s) from attendance reports
Trigger: !alt <alt_name> <main_name> Map an alt character to a main
Trigger: !alt <alt_name> null Remove an alt character mapping


Sets a break timer (per channel)

Trigger: !break <minutes> Set a break timer that will notify @here when it expires.
Trigger: !break Cancel a previously set break timer.


Shows the latest (or specific) comic from various web-comic providers.

View the current providers and triggers by doing !help comics.


Uses dogr.io (Doge-as-a-service) to create Doge image macros.


"Doge": {
    "suchBaseMuchUrl": "http://dogr.io/",
    "manyMuchWow": [

suchBaseMuchUrl is the base URL endpoint of the Dogr.io service. I run a modified, local version on my server which is why it is configurable.

Trigger: !doge <word> <word> <word> Create and display a Doge image macro with the words you give it followed by 'wow'. It will automagically randomly prepend words from Doge.manyMuchWow to the words.

Example: !doge git commit could create an image saying 'such git' 'many commit' 'wow'


Flips a table (or puts it back).

Trigger: !flip Flips a table.
Trigger: !flip fix Puts the table back. Chill, bro.


Displays available commands and their usage.

Trigger: !help Displays help for all modules/triggers available to you.
Trigger: !help <module> Displays help for the given module, which may contain additional help as well.


Shows a list of ways people are REKT.

Trigger: !rekt
Trigger: !rekt <number of rekts>


Roll a random number between 0 - 100 (or optionally another range). It also includes a Raffle mode which can create raffles that people can participate in by rolling in the channel.

Trigger: !roll Displays a random number between 0 - 100.
Trigger: !roll 200 Displays a random number between 0 - 200.
Trigger: !roll 200 400 Displays a random number between 200 - 400.
Trigger: !raffle <about> Start a raffle about 'about'. It'll last for 24 hours.
Trigger: !raffle Display the current raffle, if any.
Trigger: !winner Announce the winner in 2 minutes, rather than at the end of the raffle. Can only be used by the raffle initiator.

During a raffle, any !rolls in the channel will be limited to 0 - 100 rolls and can only be done once per user to participate in the raffle.


Display latest WoW Token price information from https://wowtoken.info/. Information is cached for 5 minutes.

Trigger: !token


Looks up a keyword on Urban Dictionary.

Usage: !urban <keywords>


Displays links to recent combat log reports from Warcraft Logs. Requires WCL API Key in guild.api.wcl config.

Trigger: !wcl Shows 3 reports.
Trigger: !wcl <number of reports> Shows the given number of reports.


"guild": {
    "name": "My Awesome Guild",
    "realm": "Realm",
    "region": "Region",
    "api": {
        "wcl": "<WCL API key>",


Admin module to enable/disable modules as well as restart the bot.

Trigger: !mods Display module status
Trigger: !dismod <module name> Disable a module
Trigger: !enmod <module name> Enable a module
Trigger: !reload <module name> Reloads a module (unloads and reloads it from memory)
Trigger: !triggers Display all triggers and their associated modules
Trigger: !restart Restart the bot. Bot will refuse if it isn't running under PM2
Trigger: !cvar Display all configuration values in a dot-notation format
Trigger: !cvar <var_name> Display a sub-section of the configuration in dot-notation format
Trigger: !cvar set <var_name> <value> Set a configuration key in dot-notation to the given value. Notice: Not all options can be set properly. Modules are mostly supported, but not everything is.
Trigger: !cvar del <var_name> Delete the sub-section/key given. Warning: You can screw it up bad. Use with caution.
Trigger: !save Save current module configuration to config.json.

This module can alter the configuration of the bot using !cvar, !enmod, !dismod - but no configuration is saved to disk before !save is executed. If you screw something up, simply !restart the bot and start over.