JAwesomeEngine is a java-based 3D engine using OpenGL, OpenAL, GLFW (via LWJGL) and JInput. The goal is to create a stable and easy-to-use game engine. Right now JAwesomeEngine is still under development but you can already use the working parts.
The engine is split up into three parts:
- JAwesomeEngine: the core game engine handling rendering, inputs, etc.
- JAwesomeBase: the small base package with everything needed by the Game- and Physics-engine like e.g. vector and matrix calculation classes
- JAwesomePhysics: a physics engine that can detect and resolve collisions
A list of most current, wip and planned features can be found here: Featureslist
The whole engine is under the zlib-license. (see LICENSE)
The code was entirely written by me. Some parts are inspired by tutorials or various other sources.
Me: Oliver Schall (aka tdc)
Special thanks: Florian (aka Symorphy), Markus (aka SCBTF)