
Testing code for https://github.com/easy-graph/Easy-Graph

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

EasyGraph Testing codes

This repository contains testing codes for EasyGraph.

This is a work in progress, and we work closely with the EasyGraph developers to solve the problems we encounter.



  • The result from NetworkX is used as the source of truth, if they both provide an API to do the same thing. E.g., nx.constraint(nx.Graph) and eg.constraint(eg.Graph).

  • If NetworkX doesn't have a functionality we want to test, the testing code for that functionality will be placed right inside of the EasyGraph repository.

  • EasyGraph and NetworkX have many overlapping functionalities, while the former provide low-level C++ bindings for compute-intensive work, and have both the pure Python API and the encapsulated C++ API for some of its functionalities, and we will also compare the result from both interfaces for them.

Technical details

  • Testing framework: pytest
  • float result are compared with pytest.approx()
  • Testing dataset: see datasets.
    • The project is focusing on testing the C bindings at the moment, and the eg.GraphC class has limited methods for loading data, so
    • The only dataset in used currently is the Karate Club undirected graph dataset, and I've convert the data to edgelist here.


git clone https://github.com/tddschn/easygraph-test.git
cd easygraph-test

# install pinned dependencies
# CPython >=3.9,<3.10 is required
poetry install # install poetry first: https://python-poetry.org/
# activate venv
poetry shell

Run tests

poetry run pytest

Issues with the C bindings as per easygraph v0.2a38

  • Only the undirected graph class eg.GraphC is implemented,
    • It lacks many attributes (e.g. ._adj, __dict__), methods (especially the dunder ones like __iter__) and functionalities compared the its pure Python counterpart eg.Graph.
    • Hangs or throws seg faults when you run the example codes on the class.
    • It uses different data structures for storing, and it could bite you if you expect them to behave like eg.Graph.