
materials for EGM703: Advanced Active and Passive Remote Sensing at Ulster University

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-4.0

EGM703 - Week 2 Practical: Hyperspectral image analysis


In the lectures and reading this week, you've learned about hyperspectral remote sensing and a number of different methods for analyzing hyperspectral data. In this practical, we'll gain some experience working with hyperspectral data, using a few examples written in python.


  • Open and view data using xarray
  • Perform atmospheric correction using dark object subtraction
  • Use spectral angle matching to compare spectral signatures and identify surfaces
  • Gain some familiarity with Spectral Python (SPy), a python package for analyzing hyperspectral images.

Data provided

In the data folder, you should have the following files:

  • solar_spectra.csv
  • spectral_library.csv

You'll need to download the hyperspectral data from Blackboard, or from the Google Drive link here - be sure to save it to the data folder.

Getting started

Once you clone the repository, you can set up the conda environment using the provided environment.yml file.

To get started working through the practical, launch the jupyter notebook (Hyperspectral Image Analysis.ipynb).