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What is this?

An Ubuntu 14.04 Docker image for Swift on ARM devices.

You can find the Docker Hub repo here: https://hub.docker.com/r/ijoijo/armhf-swift/


Have docker up and running on your favorite ARM Linux distribution (Raspbian, Ubuntu, ArchLinux, HypriotOS).

If needed you can follow the instructions given on the Hypriot website, which gives a lot of useful hints about running Docker on ARM: http://blog.hypriot.com

Docker Instructions

Pull the Docker Image on your ARM device

docker pull ijoijo/armhf-swift

Run Swift REPL within docker

docker run -it ijoijo/armhf-swift

# Example: hello world
1> print("Hello world")

Compile and run swift code

docker run -it ijoijo/armhf-swift bash

# Example: hello world
echo 'print("Hello world")' > helloWorld.swift
swiftc helloWorld.swift


Any suggestions and contributions are welcome and encouraged


armhf-swift is licensed under the MIT License.