
Mindasaurus reminder app in Elixir

Primary LanguageElixir

Mindasaurus Ex

Mindasaurus is an application that allows a person to create reminders easily. These reminders should be brief, but they should also be retrievable and taggable.


I find myself often wanting to remind myself about something -- a restaurant I want to remember to go back to, a blog post idea I don't want to forget, a cocktail recipe I see on a menu. I sometimes send myself an email or text myself or drop it in a Slack message to myself. Or, sometimes, I just forget it. This application is to provide me a central place for these quick reminders, and this project aims to give easy access to just such a central place.

This is also a project idea I use to play with new programming languages -- much like you see examples using todo list applications as example programs. In the case of this incarnation, I'm playing with Elixir.


Currently a user can create an account and then save reminders using an API access key. They can also retrieve reminders by account API key. The ultimate goal will be to use sessions which can be expired and logged out of.

This is an Elixir application that uses the umbrella app concept. The API UI is a Phoenix app that uses the underlying applications for domain logic and database access.