A Widget you can use to show a Redux Time Travel UI. Simply put it in a part of your UI that makes sense (Such as a Dev Tools Drawer), pass it a DevToolsStore
and you'll be good to go!
Note: This Widget does not work with a normal Redux Store
. It is meant to work with the redux_dev_tools package, which provides a DevToolsStore
. The DevToolsStore
is a drop-in replacement for your Store during Development!
A simple Flutter app that allows you to Increment and Decrement a counter.
This example paints only a broad outline of how to use the ReduxDevTools. For a complete example, see the example
int addReducer(int state, action) => state + 1;
// Create a DevToolsStore instead of a normal Store during Development
final store = new DevToolsStore(
initialState: 0,
// Finally, create your app with a Redux Dev Tools
main() {
runApp(new MaterialApp(
home: new Scaffold(
body: new ReduxDevTools(store),
All of this is inspired by the original Redux Devtools.