
terraform aro, including getting the credentials

Primary LanguageHCLMIT LicenseMIT

Figure out support locations

az account list-locations | jq '.[] | .name,.displayName'
az aro get-versions --location "eastus"

required to get the operator to worker

Make sure to get a pull secret

Which is import for installing operators for installing Kasten K10 https://console.redhat.com/openshift/install/azure/aro-provisioned

default path is "../pull-secret.txt"


tofu apply -var="ownerref=jdoe" -var="owneremail=jdoe@acmecompany.com"

Get Kubeconfig

tofu output -raw  aro_kubeconfig_out > ~/.kube/config

Get login

tofu output -raw console_url
tofu output -raw aro_admin_login
#tofu output -raw aro_admin_pass 

On MAC you can copy the password to your clipboard with pbcopy

open $(tofu output -raw console_url)
tofu output -raw aro_admin_pass | pbcopy

Storage Account for Kasten K10

Get Storage Account

tofu output -raw storageaccount
#tofu output -raw storageaccount_ak 
tofu output -raw storagecontainer
tofu output -raw storageaccount_ak  | pbcopy

If you installed Kasten K10

You can get a token if you used token authentication

kubectl create token -n kasten-io k10-k10 --duration=10h