% Visual Spaghetti

Get Started

The snapin for veeam is called the "veeampssnapin". Load it before any script. You need to be local administrator to run it asnp veeampssnapin

Connecting to a server

A server is called a "vbrserver" to differentiate from regular servers. Connecting does not have to be done if you are running on localhost itself

Connect connect-vbrserver -server localhost -user john -password doe Disconnect disconnect-vbrserver

Here is a simple example getting all the jobs with last run time

connect-vbrserver -server localhost 
get-vbrjob | % { write-host ("{0,-20} {1}" -f $_.name,$_.FindLastSession().Endtime) }


Jobs are literally the things that are scheduled to run and produce backups, replica's, etc.

In powershell they are called "vbrjob". get-vbrjob

For example, get all backup jobs, filter on jobtype

get-vbrjob | ? { $_.jobtype -match "Backup" }

or get all replica jobs get-vbrjob | ? { $_.jobtype -match "Replica" }


General View

Backups are the result of a job running or multiple times. It is a collection of all backup files. If they are not located under "imported" node, it means they are mapped to a Job

In powershell they are called "vbrbackup". get-vbrbackup

To get for example the primary jobs (found under Disk Node), you can use a filter

get-vbrbackup | ? { $_.JobType -match "^(Endpoint)?Backup$" }

All possible types can be listed by using [Veeam.Backup.Model.EDbJobType] | gm -Static -MemberType property

Most common are:

  • Backup
  • BackupSync
  • Replica
  • EndpointBackup

Side Panel

Let's reproduce the image. First, let look at a backup object $backup = @(get-vbrbackup)[0]

To find out all VMs in the backup, you can query it's objects $backup.GetObjects()

To find out all restore points with VMs, you can use GetOibs (Probably stands for "Object in Backup" or "Orange is Black", your guess is as good as mine) $backup.GetOibs()

You could then count the amount of points per VM

$oibs = $backup.GetOibs()
$vms = $backup.GetObjects()

foreach ($vm in $vms) {
    $relatedobs = @($oibs | ? { $_.ObjectId -eq $vm.Id })
    Write-Host ("{0} {1}" -f $vm.Name,$relatedobs.Count)

Or you use the summary method GetObjectOibsAll()

foreach ($vmoib in $backup.GetObjectOibsAll()) {
	Write-Host ("{0} {1}" -f $vmoib.Name,$vmoib.CountOfValidOibs)

So lets make a table with the info we know now

$backups = get-vbrbackup | ? { $_.JobType -match "^(Endpoint)?Backup$" }
$table = @()
foreach ($backup in $backups) {
 $objects = $backup.GetObjectOibsAll()
 foreach ($object in $objects) {
     $table += New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{
$table | Sort-Object -Property "BackupName" | select BackupName,ObjectName,ObjectCount,ObjectCreationTime

Backup specific properties

You get the following view when you select and individual backup, right click it and select properties

Let's reproduce the image in parts. First, let select a certain backup $backup = get-vbrbackup -Name "Linux"

The individual backups "files" are stored in "storages" $backup.GetAllStorages()

So reproducing this first table is quite easy

$backup = get-vbrbackup -Name "Linux"

$storages = $backup.GetAllStorages()
$table = @()
foreach ($storage in $storages) {
     $table += New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{
$table | Sort-Object -property Date -Descending  | select Name,DataSize,BackupSize,Deduplication,Compression,Date | ft

The second part is the restore points. To get the restore points, you actually have a cmdlet (get-vbrrestorepoint). Funny enough, it returns Oibs and it is not the same as GetPoints() on the backup object $restorepoints = Get-VBRRestorePoint -Backup $backup

$backup = get-vbrbackup -Name "Linux"

$restorepoints = Get-VBRRestorePoint -Backup $backup
$table = @()
foreach ($rp in $restorepoints) {
     $table += New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{
$table | Sort-Object -property Date -Descending | select VMName,OriginalSize,Type,Date,Point | ft


Replica are the result of a replica job running or multiple times. It is a collection of a VM + snapshots

In powershell they are called "vbrreplica". get-vbrreplica

How to discover

The documentation is probably not complete, and since it is not official, any version release might brake any syntax. So giving men fish is not always the solution.

Here are some tricks on how to discover code yourself

All CMDlets for Veeam Get-Command -module veeampssnapin

Everything related to for example VBRBackup (should give you get-, export-, import- and remove-vbrbackup) Get-Command -module veeampssnapin -noun vbrbackup

If you want a family of subset, you can do a regex match filter Get-Command -module veeampssnapin | ? { $_.Noun -match "VBRJob" }

All Object types Get-Command -module veeampssnapin | % { $_.Noun } | sort-object | get-unique

Let's asume a job is stored in $job (at least one job must be created for this to work) $job = @(get-vbrjob)[0]

If you just run $job, it might show you some of the properties but maybe not all $job

If you want a list of all methods() and properties, pipe your object to get-member (or gm, it's shorthanded alias) $job | get-member

This will reveal for example the metho FindLastSession. If you run the method with arguments in the brackets (check definition column) it will give you a result. In the case of FindLastSession, there are no arguments $job.FindLastSession()

Sometimes you want to know the possible values you can use for creating new stuff or to filter on values. If you already have some examples in the gui, you can just output every object value foreach ($job in (get-vbrjob)) { write-host $job.jobtype }

If you don't have a predefined job of that type, you can still find the values. First, you need an object, let's say $job and it's property jobtype $job.jobtype | get-member

This should output something starting with "TypeName: Veeam.Backup.Model.EDbJobType". This is the typename. Put it between square brackets to ask about the type itself. You will see in this case, it's an enum [Veeam.Backup.Model.EDbJobType]

By using get-member with -static and -membertype property, you will get a complete overview. [Veeam.Backup.Model.EDbJobType] | get-member -static -MemberType property

Here is another example

$job.Options.BackupStorageOptions.StgBlockSize | gm
[Veeam.Backup.Common.EKbBlockSize] | gm -static -membertype property


Audience Type

People who know ((Veeam -And Powershell) && -Not Veeampssnapin) If you didn't get this one, first brush up your powershell skills

Why always this new objects in array style ($table)

Cause I like this kind of setup. It allows you to export it easily to csv, html, etc

Can I contribute | Download an offline version

Yes please! This file is written in markdown (pandoc style) and compiled with pandoc. It is hosted on https://github.com/tdewin/visualspaghetti

Also you could download the project as a zip. I'll try to run the bat file before I sync, so that you get an exact result

Some of these cmdlets don't work

Please open an issue on the https://github.com/tdewin/visualspaghetti

Readme looks strange on github

Cause Github markdown uses a differnt dialect than pandoc, and it misses the stylesheet

Go to http://dewin.me/visualspaghetti/ for a rendered version