Paper Collection of Auction Learning Theory

This is a collection of research and review papers of auction mechanism design through data-driven methods. The sharing principle of these references here is for research. If any authors do not want their paper to be listed here, please feel free to contact me.

You are more than welcome to update this list!
If you find a paper about auction learning theory or review which is not listed here, please

  • fork this repository, add it and merge back;
  • or email me
  • or report an issue here.

We are updating the list now :-)

General Talking

Theory Research

Single Item Auction

Multi-items Auction

Mechanism Design without Learning

Single Item Auction

Auction with Budget

Automated Mechanism Design (AMD)

Modeling and Computational Complexity Analysis

Typically modeled as LP or search problem with constraints here.

Solve Search Problem with Constraints through Traditional Methods

Solve Search Problem with Constraints through Learning Methods and Its Sample Complexity

Learning Theory


Learning Methods

Optimizing Revenue and Regret

Hybrid Auction Design


Bidding Strategy

Sample Complexity

Industrial Technology

Advertisement Auction

Bidding Agent

  • Schlechtinger, Michael, et al. ["Winning at Any Cost--Infringing the Cartel Prohibition With Reinforcement Learning."](Schlechtinger, Michael, et al. "Winning at Any Cost--Infringing the Cartel Prohibition With Reinforcement Learning." arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.01856 (2021).) arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.01856 (2021).


Waiting for Classification

Citation from paper Automated mechanism design: A new application area for search algorithms

Citation from paper Complexity of Mechanism design

Citation from paper "Designing and learning optimal finite support auctions."

Citation from paper "The sample complexity of revenue maximization."

???(useless and just for fun)

game 均衡 机制设计

可解释性 严格ic或者计算regret

强调deep learning的kernel通用性